Entry 1: Welcome
"In a world saturated with high priced corporate imagery, beyond just having a charming aesthetic, the stencil is a cheap and effective way for an artist or activist to put their work in front of the public and level the playing field." -
Shepard Fairey.
"My drive is the need to see art on blank spaces, to breathe life into derelict sites. It often makes people think twice about vandalizing them, just as you wouldn't throw a piece of wood onto the fire if it were carved into a beautiful figure or animal."-
Nylon(The above quotes are found in Tristan Manco's book "Stencil Graffiti").
Above: "Kissing Coppers" by Banksy, found somewhere in the UK, 2005?Welcome to MemoPisaElLodo.blogspot.com. It is a work in process. The over all goal is to document whatever public art Memo Pisa El Lodo come across that arbitrarily strikes the fancy.
Local stuff (i.e. Los Angeles) will be posted more so than non-local stuff, however public art found in other places will also be posted every now and then (like in this first entry).
I am still making this up as I go along.